Residency Program

Onn Sokny

Collaborative Organization

Cambodian Living Arts 是獨立的非營利機構,致力於透過藝術改變柬埔寨。重塑與創新柬埔寨傳統舞蹈。與其他組織合作,提供環境,強化柬埔寨的藝術以及轉化個人和社群的關係。鼓勵藝術家和藝術社群的成長,推廣大眾對藝術認識,與文化立法單位和政府機關合作。鼓勵年輕與中生代的藝術行政在提升自我專業度。透過這些,目標是創造價值和了解柬埔寨自我認同,創造認同感和分享文化。相信透過創意,可以拓展身為人類無窮的可能性。



Works in residency


During the residency, I’ve learnt different ways that Taiwanese people do arts and they like to do arts ads well and caring their environment of their country. In their community you can say that Taiwan is such a safe country. This country is full of arts form and arts and culture are important for people from every social class.
Different type of arts festival and how they run it hat impacted on me. The place like BCS is such a great inspiring place to take on as the rule model of arts and environment. Tree music and Arts is also a great place to learn about their work. Puppetry museum is such a great place to learn a lot more from how the way they maintenance the anti-arts work. Arts community and arts leaders in general have a really positive thinking and are brave to participate in the development of their country.

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