


Redsapata Tanzfabrik 在奧地利的林茨舉行國際影像舞蹈研究,這一個計畫所衍伸出來的工作坊要開放給國際舞蹈者申請,只要你想要進入拍攝舞蹈影像的世界裡,他們都很歡迎。工作坊申請截止是2012年7月15日。

Redsapata Tanzfabrik organises an international video dance academy in Linz, Austria (2-9 September). This project-oriented workshop is open to all international dance artists who want to dive into the art of dance film making.

Deadline for applications:  15 July 2012

DVA12 workshop information also available here.

The week in Linz is an experience directed at dance artists and dancers who want to dive into the world of dance film making. The workshop is designed to foster your abilities as a dance improviser and composer as well as to teach you how to make a dance video by using from little to big means. This week should lead you to the result of an art work which you can “take away”: ready to present on whatever platform you wish. Either as a group work or you work individually. You are free to choose your method of work and take our advice as you please. At the end you may present your work, it can either be a dance performance, a video performance or both. Our teachers and organizers are there to support your development and give you some tools that they gathered along their ways. Use this opportunity to network, share, collaborate and dig into technology.

The workshop cost including accommodation is 462 Euros

Participants can take the opportunity to visit the Ars Electronica Festival for Art Technology and Society in Linz (30 August – 3 September)

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