
德國 Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral 徵件申請


Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral 位於德國的 Bad Ems,他們提供駐村機會與獎學金補助給視覺藝術家,不論是繪畫、雕塑、設計、攝影與影像,他們都可以接受申請。沒有年齡與國籍限制,駐村期間的三到六個月,每個月都有1,200歐元的補助,申請至2012年7月13日止。

Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral in Bad Ems, Germany offers residency scholarships for visual artists of any age or nationality. Residencies are for three or six months, in all visual arts disciplines, including architectural ceramics.

Aims and objectives
Artists’ residence Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral in Bad Ems, Foundation for Culture of Rhineland-Palatinate, which was founded in 1995, is a place of reflection, artistic production, discussion and meeting. It supports visual artists from the disciplines of painting, sculpture, installation, drawing, graphic arts, design, photography, video as well as from new media and landscape art from all over the world by awarding artists-in-residence scholarships.

The Künstlerhaus is publicly presented through lectures, concerts and exhibitions. Works by the scholarship holders are regularly shown in a relaxed atmosphere. The Künstlerhaus perceives itself as an intersection between the different kinds of art media and theoretical reflection but also as an intermediary between current and former scholarship holders. Balmoral intends to build a bridge between the artists’ present and their future.

An exceptional offer for visual artists in Balmoral is offered by developed Baukeramik Ebinger (architectural ceramics), which produced tiles for the internationally known artist Hundertwasser. This company has opened its workshop for the Balmoral scholarship holders thus giving them the possibility to experimentalise with the material of ceramic. Prior knowledge is not mandatory. The artists will be supervised by the company’s staff. More information

Eligible to apply for a Balmoral scholarship are international visual artists of any age.

The preconditions are a completed course of study in art (M.F.A. or comparable) and three years of continuous artistic work after the conclusion of studies until the beginning of the fellowship. Applications are also possible for autodidacts distinguished by special artistic achievements, as documented by exhibitions and prizes.

To foster artistic dialog and interdisciplinary collaboration, knowledge of German, English, or French is expected.

Benefits and requirements
Balmoral scholarships are residence scholarships; a continuously presence is obligatory.

The scholarships are endowed with 1,200 € a month.

Two scholarships are awarded for the period of three months. The yearly term of residence for the three-month scholarships begins in March.

Seven scholarships are awarded for the period of six months. For the six-month scholarships the yearly term of residence begins in June.

See website for application forms

DEADLINE: July 13 2012

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