
8.18 16:00 藝術家對談,內容搶先預告!


 16:15-16:45
Artist: Adam Avikainen
Topic: 台北雙年展作品分享
The project for Taipei Biennale 2012(work-in-process)
Adam Avikainen 為2012台北雙年展邀請的藝術家之一,目前在竹圍工作室居住並創作台北雙年展的作品。他將分享此次替台北雙年展的創作作品。
Adam Avikainen has been invited by the 2012 Taipei Biennale. To prepare his work, he will be staying at Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taiwan. He will share his work-in-progress work for the Taipei Biennale.

 16:45-17:15
Artist: Arya Pandjalu

Topic: 創作分享、Cemeti Art House 駐村的過程與印尼的文化發展近況
My Work, Cemeti Art House and Indonesian Culture Environment
Arya 為竹圍工作室合作單位 Cemeti Art House 推薦的藝術家。Arya於2006年曾參與印尼Cemeti Art House 的Landing Soon 駐村計畫,以及2012年荷蘭Kosmopolis的駐村。他在印尼、荷蘭等皆有個展與聯展的發表。他將分享於Cemeti Art House 駐村的過程與印尼的文化發展近況。
Arya Pandjalu has participated in Landing Soon Residency program at Cemeti Art House in Yogyakarta in 2006, and in 2010 a residency at Kosmopolis in The Netherlands. He will be talking about his residnecy at Cemeti Art House and Indonesian Culture environment.

 17:15-17:45
Artist: 吳淑倫Wu Hsu Lun

Topic: 從排灣古陶珠文化到台東生態環境
From ancient Paiwan Culture to current environment issues in Taitung, Taiwan
She will be talking about her long term research on ceramic bead for Paiwan Culture; the environment being destroyed by human and nature; and how these two factors are relate to each other.


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