
法國 | La Galerie 當代藝術中心徵選外國策展人


La Galerie 當代藝術中心成立於2006年,位在巴黎郊區,他們接待外國策展人在中心內駐村三個月,並在期間會有一個展覽發表的機會,中心也樂意為策展人引薦巴黎藝術界的藝術家與熟悉當代藝術的人士。申請期間至2012年11月19日,駐村時間為2013年4月3日至7月3日。

Applications are invited from international curators for a 3 month ‘foreign curator’ residency at La Galerie Contemporary Art Centre in Noisy-le-Sec, in the suburbs of Paris.

Since 2006, La Galerie, a contemporary art centre located in the suburbs of Paris, hosts each year a foreign curator in residence for a period of three months. The aim of the residency is to put on an exhibition at La Galerie within the context of a public art centre, to meet artists and professionals from the contemporary art field in France.

Provided by La Galerie: Travel costs, accommodation, exhibition budget (including exhibition journal in French & English) and curator’s fee.

DOWNLOAD all the guidelines and criteria in the pdf application call for the 2013 curator’s residency at La Galerie, Contemporary Art Centre in Noisy-le-Sec, near Paris, France.

  • Residency dates: 3 April – 3 July 2013
  • Exhibition dates: 25 May – 13 July

Deadline: November 19th 2012

Applications should be sent via email only.

For further information about La Galerie:

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