TCE 國際藝術村交流會2013 計畫主持人
藝術家為誰服務、我們真正的目的為何、我們面對的周遭環境是什麼,我們如何實踐理想? 藝術家在社會中扮演的角色,讓藝術有了新的社會定位,也使得文化產業有新的轉變。藝術工作者要求大家認真看待,他們不只積極參與藝術產業的各個層面,也跨越了藝術的藩籬,為其他領域服務,提供創新的想法,對社會各層面產生無價的貢獻。國際藝術村交流會(TransCultural exchange)2013 年大會以「創智共趨」(Engaging Minds)作為主題,強調在跨領域的交流和思考。我們很榮幸有15 位台灣的藝術工作者能參與這場盛會。
1. 與媒體、科技、科學界合作:台灣的科技媒體產業享譽全球;許多公私立機構長期支持藝術實驗的研發,讓多方受惠。因此,我們推出〈台灣的新媒體藝術〉特展,以全新的科技和媒體,探討社政議題,並反思個人的身分與角色。
2. 與多元社群及機構合作:我們在這裡看到了橋頭糖廠藝術村( 白屋藝術村) 的「蓋白屋」壁畫,就是要跨越界線,接觸到更遠、更廣的社群。
3. 與環境運動合作:我們要呈現今年獲得台新獎肯定的〈樹梅坑溪環境藝術行動〉,這項展覽由吳瑪悧策劃,藝術家與各式各樣的團體共同為了環境變遷而創作。
4. 城市與鄉村溝通的管道:透過都蘭糖廠駐村計畫等專案,讓城市藝術家在最真實的環境中和原住民文化建立連結。
5. 聯繫本地與國際藝術行動:我們和在座各位互動,就從現在開始。我們必須將目前的國際機會帶回到我們的社群,並散播到亞洲其他缺乏資訊的地區。
Reaching Beyond: Taiwan Artist Actions
Margaret Shiu
Project Director and Founder, Bamboo Curtain Studio
In the last decade, the field of art and culture has seen a massive shift in positioning from conceptualization to the final outcome. There is currently much rethinking on the value and capacity of art itself: who are we serving, what is our true goal, as well as where and how are we serving our target? This repositioning cuts into the core of the artist's role in society, causing a vast transformation within the cultural industry. Artists are now demanding to be taken seriously. Not only actively engaging within different sectors of the industry, these artists are also reaching beyond that sector to offer new creative ideas to other fields and invaluable contributions to diverse sectors of society. The theme of TransCulture Exchange's 2013 Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts, Engaging Minds is seminal in this dialogue. Thus, it is with much excitement that fifteen Taiwanese artists are invited to join in this discussion.
Taiwan's cultural sector is actively reaching beyond its domain. It is our honor to showcase several of these endeavors:
1.Collaborating with media, technology, and science: Taiwan's media technology industry is world renown; many public and private institutions support continuous research and development in artistic experimentations, resulting in mutual benefit. Thus, we present the exhibition New Media Art in Taiwan, which highlights mediums that address social/political issues and personal identity introspection via refreshingly set technical innovations.
2.Co-working with diverse communities and institutions: We view the Bywood Art Space residency in communal mural paintings as a way to reach beyond communities far and wide.
3.Cooperating with environmental movements: We present Art as Environment: A Cultural Action at the Plum Tree Creek, an award-winning project curated by WU Mali that engages artists with a spectrum of organizations for environmental change.
4.Communicating between rural and urban settings: Through residencies as Dulan Sugar Refinery Artist-in-Residence, urban artists are able to connect with our aborigine culture in an authentic environment.
5.Connecting local and international art action: International exchange is achievable through our efforts to engage with everyone present at this conference and onward. It is important to get this message of international opportunities back home to our community and others in Asia, where information is seriously lacking.
I sincerely hope that you will reach out to our Taiwan team. We look forward to collaborating with you in the future.