臺灣是個藝術與人文薈萃的寶島,既擁有豐富多元的歷史文化遺產,又位處於東亞大陸與太平洋海洋交界的樞紐,希望能透過廣泛的藝術接觸與全世界交流互動。「2013 國際藝術村交流會議」(2013TransCultural Exchange Conference)舉辦期間,文化部引薦十五位來自臺灣不同領域的藝術家,與世界各地優秀講者和藝術村總監齊聚一堂,共同分享藝術心靈的成長。
藝術能跨越藩籬,激勵奔放的創意思維。臺灣今年將以主題「超越:臺灣藝術家行動」(Reaching Beyond: Taiwan Artist Actions),介紹臺灣藝術家與策展人跨領域的創作專題,以獨特視角重新省思日常生活,經由行動改變我們的未來。臺灣代表團的演講者、表演者以及展出作品,透過媒體合作、技術與科學、與多元化組織的合作、環保運動、都市與郊區情境的溝通等五種藝術方式,呈現藝術家「超越限制」的作品,並透過藝術家駐村計畫,建立地方與國際藝術行動間的連結。這些主題呈現了臺灣民眾的生活態度,一方面珍惜呵護文化的泉源,另一方面勇於探索未知的世界,追求人類心靈與宇宙萬物更和諧的互動關係。
臺灣有各種不同類型的藝術村,文化部每年贊助大約20 個臺灣藝術村的營運經營,並鼓勵藝術家前往世界各地參加駐村計畫,文化部也不斷舉辦各種博覽會、展覽、講座、藝術表演,推廣臺灣獨特的電影、音樂、藝術以及人文思想。臺灣持續推動藝術家駐村計畫,從2000 年起即建立了國際藝術家駐村計畫,至今已與四個國家合作,並持續與七個國際藝術村駐村進行合作,希望擴大藝術類型與交流項目,鼓舞更多藝術家、作家、導演、策展人、思想家更廣泛的交流。截至目前為止,已有167 名創意人才獲得這項經驗,他們除了將駐村收獲運用到藝術創作上,更把這種開放的藝術心靈落實在日常生活實踐上。
Greetings from Minister of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan) Minister
Lung, Ying-Tai
Minister of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan)
It is delightful that the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan was invited to participate in the 2013 TransCultural Exchange Conference, a gathering of the world's cultural leaders and artist-in-residence program directors. This year's conference, with its theme of "International Opportunities in the Arts: Engaging Minds," provides the great opportunities for our 15-member delegation to connect with their peers and seek new ways to engage in multidisciplinary cooperation and create greater synergy.
Our delegation will present the program Reaching Beyond: Taiwan Artist Actions, showcasing recent multidisciplinary projects undertaken by Taiwanese artists and curators that have drawn valuable insights from our everyday lives. Our speakers, exhibition and performers will present works that "reach beyond" in six ways: media collaboration, science and technology, cooperation with diverse communities and institutions, the environmental movement, urban-rural connections, and connecting domestic and international art actions via artist residencies. This fits with the Ministry's intention of promoting cultural innovation "forwards and backwards," inspiring people to appreciate the roots of their culture, as well as encouraging them to consider new ways to create more sustainable, meaningful, and ultimately values-centered lifestyles.
We are actively involved in cultural diplomacy. In addition to expanding our offices overseas along with sending our unique films, music, art works to various important international cultural events, promoting artist-in-residence programs has always been on our agenda, which has proven effective in advancing cultural diversity in many ways. We first began planning for international residencies in 2000, and have cooperated on such programs with four countries. The seven programs we are involved with have allowed 167 of our most creative citizens to gain invaluable experience. They are now translating what they have learned into new creative works, and their reflections on their experiences are permeating into our society.
I am proud to have overseen the creation of Taiwan's first international artist-in–residence center, the Taipei Artist Village, in 2001. Today, our Ministry supports roughly 20 such programs nationwide, from which local art groups get to connect with the rest of the world and lead us to an artistic imagination of diversity and creativity.
With the best wish that this Conference is a great success, and that all participants come away with new friends and new ideas, I hope that you will all find Taiwan and our artists your very good friends and partners. We look forward to our delegation's return and their share of what they have seen and earned