
Cut And Rescue

Cut And Rescue

駐村日期:2018/09/01 - 2018/10/31

Cut and Rescue 是雅加達的藝術群體,他們在分享、搜尋、建立和製作的過程中沒有任何界限。Cut and Rescue 會用各種媒介來創作,包括圖像和文字拼貼、聲音和視頻片段,以及實驗性和表演性的互動。Cut and Rescue 名字的可以定義為剪切和保存、剪切和救援撿索、複製和保存社區的文化文件,而這些文件都是被認為是平庸和低級的,例如頭條新聞。在2013年,他們作為Jakarta Biennale- SIASAT 的一部分在雅加達雙年展中參展。在2014年,Iswanto Hartono 策劃了個人展覽「Kesedihan」。另外,他們每位成員也參與了不同的展覽,包括全國及國際性的展覽。

2018年,Cut and Rescue 獲選為竹圍工作室「創藝駐村計劃」藝術家,自9月1日起受邀至竹圍工作室駐村兩個月。



“Fusion Olymopics”

我們發現一些當地或傳統的運動都被改寫為國際化的運動項目,如奧運會。這令我們更加相信人們開始對現代的體育感到厭倦。我們希望打破這個觀念,結合不同地方的當地運動和遊戲。而遊戲則是一種透過比賽和合作溝通的方式, 也是一種找共同的方法來實踐共同的目標的活動。



During the first month at BCS artist in residency period (September to November), Cut And Rescue has observed about the daily life in Taipei. How the society behave in MRT train, night market, art event, temple, park, etc are the fresh material that absorbed to be developed as Cut And Rescue project, named Fusion Olympic. In the Open Studio, Cut And Rescue had showcasing the art practice so far and what has found in Taipei with interactive installation, live screenprinting, and the workshop result.
During the residency we learn the behave of Taiwanese people in public space and also learn about the eco-friendly behave, like reduce the using plastic bags. The way people manage the garbage quiet inspiring us for separate our garbage in studio, I mean the objects that have a potential to build for exhibition.
The working rhythm during AiR will make us more productive to work in Indonesia. We have many ideas that will be developed in Jakarta, because during the AiR we can think clearly and work very focus.
