
▎10 | 越南 ▎ ft. Undecided Productions Elise Luong

January 21, 2021

當越南政府使用V-pop歌曲「Ghen Co Vy」鼓勵人們洗手時, Elise Loung 和其他三位藝術家 Ian Richter , Jo aka Ngô Kỳ Duyên 和 Đoàn Thanh Toàn 進行了一場富有實驗性的演出,直指COVID-19造成的無形影響 ,並且向世界提問:此時此刻「表演」意味著什麼?

▎09 | 菲律賓 ▎ft. And A Half Studio Petrina Gana

January 21, 2021

用行動激發更多行動! 視覺傳達設計已然成為傳播公共衛生信息的重要媒介,And A Half Studio也在傳遞訊息的過程中,思考著是否能有更多、更近一步的作為和行動。 首席研究與開發策略設計師Petrina Gana與我們分享了他們如何重新定義設計之於「建立更美好的社會」的意義,以及像And A Half這樣的設計工作室如何走出舒適區,與不同部門合作,並在疫情期間產生真正的影響?

▎EP9 | PHILIPPINES ▎ft. And A Half Studio Petrina Gana

January 21, 2021

Actions inspire actions. With graphic design becoming an important medium to disseminate public health information, And A Half is thinking something different, something further. Petrina Gana, the Head of Research & Development and design strategist shared with us how they redefined what ‘design’ can be for a better society. And how a design studio like And A Half stepped out the comfort zone, collaborated with different sectors and made an impact during the pandemic.

▎EP8 | PHILIPPINES ▎ft.Kwago Czyka Tumaliuan

January 20, 2021

When the whole city was under lockdown, schools were closed, and students were required to join classes online, all of a sudden, the burden fell under the parent’s shoulders. Czyka Tumaliuan is a bookstore owner, maker, writer, curator, and a single mother. She shared with us how she managed to ‘survive’ with her daughter and gathered over 1,300 people in the ‘Lockdown Lab’ program to initiate different projects in response to the pandemic, including making face shields, journalist protection kits, public health videos and there’s much more they’ve done…..

▎EP8 | 菲律賓 ▎ft.Kwago Czyka Tumaliuan

January 20, 2021

當整個城市處於封城狀態時,學校被要求關閉,學生們也被要求在線上課。監督學習的責任突然之間就落在了父母的肩上。 Czyka Tumaliuan是一家書店老闆、製造商、作家、策展人和單身母親。她與我們分享她如何在疫情期間與女兒「共存」,並且在「封城實驗室」計劃中召集了1300多人,針對疫情衝擊的情況發起不同的項目,製作出口罩、記者專用的防護衣、公共衛生教育影片等.....

▎EP7 | 柬埔寨 ▎ft.現代舞舞者 Belle Sodhachivy Chumvan

January 19, 2021

儘管未有健全的醫療保健系統支撐,柬埔寨當局即時的疫情政策卻使得柬埔寨得以翻轉相對匱乏的醫療情勢,成為新冠肺炎抗議浪潮中交出亮眼成績的國家。 然而,即便柬埔寨當地的生活已經漸漸回歸往常,表演藝術產業卻仍受疫情衝擊的影響。當代舞舞者Belle Sodhahachivy Chumvan將在這集與我們分享,她如何設法使用影像和直播,與學生和相關社群繼續跳舞。

▎EP6 | 新加坡 ▎ft. BRACK Alecia Neo, Kei Franklin & Jevon Chandra

January 19, 2021


▎EP5 | 印尼 ▎ ft. Bakudapan Monika Swastyastu & Shilfina Putri Widatama

January 19, 2021

