Art Trails: BCS as an Archaeological Site
Can you spot a row of chairs lining the roof ridge of BCS? What are they and why are they up there? One of the most important landmarks of Bamboo Curtain Studio is the line of chairs on the studio roof. Sitting on one of those elevated seats looking out to the Guanyin Mountain and Tamsui River, one could imagine him or herself on a journey faraway. The unique installation is artist WANG Te-Yu’s first outdoor piece titled “No. 30” from her “Come From Your Hometown“ series in 1998. “It is impossible to document the relationship between one and this space,” Wang stated about the piece, “Everything happens within a single moment. When it happened, it happened. Only the one in that moment knew what he or she encountered. The moment belongs to the individual alone. He or she would not know what it was like for the others. The encounter—visually, tactilely, and physically—became a personal experience. It would be a part of his or her own memory.”
2017 Plum Tree Creek Hiking #1
The first Plum Tree Creek Hiking event of 2017 invites participants to learn about the local creek, the history of the Zhuwei area, and BCS’s project “Art as Environment - Plum Tree Creek.” Local plants and wildlife will be introduced to allow a more comprehensive understanding of the surrounding ecosystem.
BCS × Art Bus × Community
BCS invited artist CHOU Chien-Pang and his project, Art Bus—a traveling van with artists, artworks, and creative ideas as passengers—to join the local farmer’s market. The inside of the van served as an exhibition space, and the exterior a canvas for doodling and writing messages. CHOU’s stories and experiences traveling in Taiwan and other countries came into life via the presence and presentation of Art Bus.
Tadashi NOHARA in BCS
Japanese artist/director Tadashi NOHARA conducted two workshops during his residency at BCS. Amateur actors from diverse backgrounds were instructed to interview and engage in intimate conversations with each other. These individuals learned about each other’s childhood memories and values, and were able to understand one another through in-depth interactions. Footages collected from the workshops are materials to NOHARA’s film, screening at the rough-cut preview at BCS on 02. 25. 2017. The film looks at the different ways men and women interpret mundane events in daily lives, and has no established script. Actors were provided with mere background descriptions of the roles he or she would be playing, and were advised to improvise freely. The artist hopes that, by connecting with the sense of the everyday in the film, the audience would be able to develop their own perspectives on life.
KIM Yeonjeong in Taiwan
Korean artist Kim Yeonjeong is selected as the resident artist for Iksan Creation Center (Korea) and BCS’s joint International Residency Exchange Program. During her time at BCS, KIM collaborated with Walking Grass Agriculture, an artist collective from Taiwan, and launched a project titled “555 for 5” at liáu liáu, an alternative space in Taipei. She continues her residency at Waley Art, Taipei after BCS, and has a solo show there titled “And Then There Were None.” KIM will perform at the “000-Lab/CAFé-PHILO” series at Treasure Hill, Taipei on 02. 26. 2017.
透過駐村期間的兩場工作坊,日本導演野原位讓不同背景的素人演員以深入訪談、角色扮演交流對話等方式,了解彼此的性格、兒時記憶以及價值觀,作為駐村作品的拍攝靈感,並進行影片初剪放映會與座談會。 其作品影片不設定劇本台詞,僅提供演員所飾演角色的背景,以男女間面對日常生活中小事迥異的態度作為主題,讓角色自由交流互動。藝術家期待這部電影能帶給觀眾生活中的熟悉感,並提供不同的思考方向。