Sound Art
劉致宏 Chihhung Liu
Chihhung Liu, born in Hsinchu (Taiwan) in 1985. He graduated from M.F.A Program, Department of Fine Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts. He is a freelancer/artist who lives and works in Taipei currently. Recent paintings embody his understanding of life and his personal experiences. His approach to narration and interpretation from a mundane perspective allows him to tightly interlock emotions and images.
Keiko Uenishi 上西啟子
Currently splitting time between Brooklyn, New York and Vienna, Austria, sound art-i-vist, socio/environ composer, and a core member of ( since 2001, Keiko Uenishi is known for her works formed through experiments in restructuring and analyzing one's relationship with sounds in sociological, cultural, and/or psychological environments.
Chi Po-Hao
Chi Po-Hao (1989-) is a musician and sound artist from Taipei. He holds a Master of Music Degree from Goldsmiths College, University of London and Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from National Taiwan University. His primary medium is sound, principally involving but not limited to live electronic, electroacoustic composition and sound installation.
Nicolas Bralet
Nicolas Bralet collaborates for several years with LAAB (Associative Laboratory Arts and Botany: With the artist botanist Sabrina Issa and the software engineer ti the CNRS François-David Collin, they develop the creation: "Sound room for rise of sap". They use via the computing and specific sensor, the indications on the speed of sap.