
Art Trails: BCS as an Archaeological Site


Can you spot a row of chairs lining the roof ridge of BCS? What are they and why are they up there?
One of the most important landmarks of Bamboo Curtain Studio is the line of chairs on the studio roof. Sitting on one of those elevated seats looking out to the Guanyin Mountain and Tamsui River, one could imagine him or herself on a journey faraway. The unique installation is artist WANG Te-Yu’s first outdoor piece titled “No. 30” from her “Come From Your Hometown“ series in 1998. “It is impossible to document the relationship between one and this space,” Wang stated about the piece, “Everything happens within a single moment. When it happened, it happened. Only the one in that moment knew what he or she encountered. The moment belongs to the individual alone. He or she would not know what it was like for the others. The encounter—visually, tactilely, and physically—became a personal experience. It would be a part of his or her own memory.” 



當年的展覽共有五位藝術家參與,包括魏雪娥、莊普、林明弘、王德瑜、Susan Kendzulak等人。王德瑜還記得當時她來工作室勘場,看到夾在捷運線和淡水河之間的雞寮,後面有八卦陣和奇門遁甲,還有市民農園。在短短100公尺的距離間,有虛有實,就像是「內心的故鄉」,並非單一定點、而是一種不斷轉換的空間節奏。她在屋頂上放置兩排像候車室裡的那種椅子,好像等著要被遣送到什麼地方去。「人在現場跟那空間的互動是永遠沒有辦法被記錄下來的,發生在那個當下,發生完了就發生完了,只有那個人知道他自己的部分,他不會知道別人的部分,所以那就是屬於他自己的個人經驗,不管在視覺或觸覺或身體經驗上,就是他的記憶了。」就像內心的故鄉一樣,永遠埋在個人的記憶裡。

這是王德瑜的第一件戶外作品(No. 30),它完全融入了這個環境,也成為竹圍工作室最重要的地標。2015年竹圍歡慶20周年,王德瑜特別回來修復這件作品,並開放民眾爬上6公尺高的屋頂,坐在那排椅子上,眺望淡水河、觀音山,用身體記錄當下,等著被遣送回自己「內心的故鄉」。

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