Waft Lab
Helmi Hardian & Debrina Tedjawidjja
July 04, 2014
Helmi Hardian & Debrina Tedjawidjja are part of Waft Lab and created H/A/D (stands for Hack and Destroy) as collaboration initiatives. They was invited to "MITTing: Art and Cultural Network Forum", the forum Organized by Open-Contemporary Art Center (OCAC), jiandyin (Jiradej and Pornpilai Meemalai), Co-organized by JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture, Bamboo Curtain Studio.
The Little Bamboo Living Room 2014: Artists talk part01
March 03, 2014
Continuing the Bamboo Curtain Studio x SLY Art Space Living Room panel series of 2013, BCS will invite many more artists this year (2014) to share their thoughts and ideas on their own art practices and the different residency programs they had participated in the past.