Reinaart Vanhoe
For the coming years I want to build up on my research named ‘Also-Space’. This I want to do by looking into art-practices in mainly the Benelux and South-East Asia. It is important not to give an exotic view on Southeast Asian art practice. It is better to find similarities in practices here in the Benelux and there.
Ananda Serné
Ananda Serné (1988, NL) holds an MA in Fine Arts from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in Reykjavík. Through moving image, photography, textiles and writing, her practice explores forms of sensory (dis)orientation. In order to create her work, she visits specific places where she collects words, images or sounds that serve as ingredients in her practice. These elements are then intuitively arranged into narratives that weave temporary connections between the concrete and the imaginary.
De Onkruidenier
De Onkruidenier explore forms of symbiosis and circularity between the realm of the cultural and the natural world. Through on site participatory fieldwork and research, their artistic practice develops new interpretations on the relationship between human and nature. Their work transforms familiar everyday actions of classifying, cultivating, preparing and consuming of plants into experiential narratives. Their practice focuses on the evolving qualities of halotolerant organisms; species that use salt to their benefit in a world wherein 97.5% of all water is salty.
Yasmine Ostendorf
At Bamboo Curtain Studio she hopes to continue this research for Taiwan: make a mapping of the most pioneering art initiatives engaging with environmental issues and to make an analysis of the needs and wishes from the artists, artsmanagers, policymakers and educators. The ultimate mission is to work with Bamboo Curtain Studio on bringing a valuable, open, sustainable, ambitious, artistic and transparent Green Art Lab Alliance Asia to life.