
Reico Goto 後藤玲子

June 15, 2015

竹圍工作室在2009年度申請藝術介入空間的「上善若水」計劃案,特別邀請日本相關領域藝術家前來指導並給予建議。 後藤玲子(Reico Goto)女士在日本東京出生、成長,她在美國卡內基‧美隆大學創意工作室工作十年後,開始跟隨葛雷思藝術學校的安‧道格拉斯Anne Douglas教授,攻讀蘇格蘭亞伯丁的葛雷思藝術學校(Grays School of Art)的博士班,並在其「邊境研究室On the Edge」研究。她目前正在研究人與樹的互動關係,去年也曾經來台,針對藝術作為農村永續發展的策略作發表,提供發展建議。 在竹圍工作室所辦理「與河共舞:藝術作為環境永續發展的策略」國際座談會中,後藤玲子介紹了她所參與執行的美國案例-「匹茲堡三條河第二自然計畫」。匹茲堡位於阿勒格尼河(Allegheny)和莫農加希拉河(Monongahela)的合流處,兩河在此匯集成俄亥俄河。就最簡單的層面來看,有兩種性質的主要思維:第一種曠野或土地的想法,假設不受人類發展的影響;另一種則是文化景觀的想法,處處受人類之影響。匹茲堡如同第二種性質的代表,因從1800年代末期開始,即已受到過度工業化開發的影響,環境受到嚴重的污染。

“Plum Tree Creek Environmental Art Action Exhibition” | Finalist of the 11th Taishin Arts Award

April 15, 2013

Supported by the Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture, the Taiwan Contemporary Art Award’s “Taishin Arts Award” recently celebrated its eleventh year. The review committee selected fifteen finalists, including ten performing art works and five works by visual artists.

Plum Tree Creek Basin spring bird-watching trip

April 15, 2013

Early in the morning on February 23rd, the Taipei Wild Bird Federation bird-watching group led an exploration to view the conditions of birds in the Plum Tree Creek Basin.

Wild Bird Federation Director Ho’s introduction to bird watching

April 15, 2013

Organized by Tamkang Community College professor Chen Chien-Chih, the Director of the Taipei Bird Federation was invited to share a report on the birds in Plum Tree Creek on the evening of February 22nd.

Plum Tree Creek and the Wild Bird Federation celebrate spring

April 15, 2013

Wild Bird Federation led a visit to Plum Tree Creek to promote understanding of the local environment. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the diverse ecology and species of birds at Plum Tree Creek.

Love ‧ Unity ‧ Strength, Plum Tree Creek Stall Attended!

December 06, 2012

On November 10th, Bamboo Curtain Studio took a group of young volunteers from the Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology to the Sanchung Stadium to participate in the “Love ‧ Unity ‧ Strength—2012 New Taipei City Community Empowerment Expo” organized by the New Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs.


April 06, 2012

“Project-Based Program” consists of two categories: institutional recommendation and individual-apply. Institutional recommendation may receive allowances in accordance with reciprocal exchanges programs. Individual applicants will need to cover their travel and living cost, local insurance, studio and accommodation fee.

2012 ChengLong Wetlands International Environmental Art Project

January 06, 2012

Artists from all countries are invited to send a proposal for a site-specific outdoor sculpture to be created during a 25-day artist in residency (April 12 – May 7, 2012) in Cheng Long, Yunlin County, Taiwan. The selected artists create large-scale sculpture installations focused on environmental issues surrounding food production and organic aquaculture.

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