
Delegates Gather to Discuss Future of Cambodian Arts

January 26, 2016

Some 100 delegates from 20 countries gathered in Phnom Penh this week to discuss the role and future of the arts in the region.

共議柬埔寨的藝文發展(Delegates Gather to Discuss Future of Cambodian Arts)

January 26, 2016


竹圍工作室 啟動駐村計畫

October 03, 2015


KAMUSTA!以一頓飯做為開場 馬尼拉 98B COLLABoratory

August 14, 2015

KAMUSTA,為菲律賓話「你好」的意思,「你好」幾乎是一位異地者造訪他國需要先學會的第一句話,這個語言上率先的善意,某些程度降低差異的姿態,而這個軟性友好的態度,也一定程度反映 98B 在藝術理念傳遞與分享上的親切風格。


July 09, 2015


台灣藝術行動 微型小革命英國發酵

July 09, 2015

駐英國台北代表處文化組與英國曼徹斯特華人當代藝術中心(Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art)合作「台灣文化光點計畫」,今年成果為呂佩怡策畫的「微型小革命」展。

台灣微型小革命 前進曼徹斯特

July 09, 2015

英國曼徹斯特Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art推出「微型小革命:三個來自台灣的社會參與藝術計畫」展覽。

Interview with CFCCA Director Zoe Dunbar and Associate Curator Lu Pei-yi, Micro Micro Revolution

July 02, 2015

The Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) opens its gallery to environmentally and socially concerned artists in its latest exhibition, Micro Micro Revolution. Led by Associate Curator Lu Pei-yi, this new presentation explores the power of art as a vehicle to address social change in Taiwan through three socially-engaged art projects. These ongoing process-based, participative works address key environmental issues from the region including land-use, pollution and sustainability, and act as a form of resistance and a platform for exchange. We speak to CFCCA Director Zoe Dunbar and Pei-yi ahead of tonight’s preview launch to discuss the ideology behind the project and the challenges of curating artworks with a transitory nature.

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