Resident Artists
Chao Shu-Jung
Chao Shu-Jung is the artist recommended by Bamboo Curtain Studio for a two-month residency at The Artists Village (TAV) in Singapore.
Kongsak Gulglangdon
Kongsak Gulglangdon is invited by Bamboo Curtain Studio as a curator and an artist in the chapter two of “Green Art Action”. The theme is “Art No Wall-Environment art and Living project.” He also invited other 5 Thai artists to presenting works in the exihibition.
Kongkiat Kongchandee
Kongkiat Kongchandee is invited by Thai curator Kongsak and Bamboo Curtain Studio as one of the six Thai Artists presenting works in “2015 Green Art Action: In Zhuwei X Art No Wall” exhibition.
Noppadon Viroonchatapun
Noppadon Viroonchatapun is invited by Thai curator Kongsak and Bamboo Curtain Studio as one of the six Thai Artists presenting works in “2015 Green Art Action: In Zhuwei X Art No Wall” exhibition.
Pin Sasao
Pin Sasao is invited by Thai curator Kongsak and Bamboo Curtain Studio as one of the six Thai Artists presenting works in “2015 Green Art Action: In Zhuwei X Art No Wall” exhibition.
Prasit Wichaya
Prasit Wichaya is invited by Thai curator Kongsak and Bamboo Curtain Studio as one of the six Thai Artists presenting works in “2015 Green Art Action: In Zhuwei X Art No Wall” exhibition.
Rinyapat Nithipatnan
Rinyapat Nithipatnan is invited by Thai curator Kongsak and Bamboo Curtain Studio as one of the six Thai Artists presenting works in “2015 Green Art Action: In Zhuwei X Art No Wall” exhibition.
Fu Ya-Wen
Fu, Ya-Wen was nominated by Bamboo Curtain Studio in 2015 International Residency Exchange Project. In fall 2015, the Gyeonggi Creation Center awarded her two months residency. Ya-wen was born in Yun-lin, now lives and works in Berlin and Leipzig.