Curating/ Research/ Critics
Lin Chen-Wei
In 2016, Lin, Chen-wei is elected to be one of the Creative Talents of Bamboo Curtain Studio, and will have his residency for 2 months starting from March 1st.
Huang Pei Wei
Huang Pei Wei is a freelance, graphic designer, marketing consultant and creative events planner. She participates in the production of a wide variety of events and defines herself as a global worker.
教育 × 文學 × 詩歌 × 裝置 此次策劃期待將文學詩歌,及一群在「沒有圍牆的學校」中學習的青少年,與竹圍工作室撞出跨界的火花。 由曾在竹圍工作室主持電影讀詩會的吳俞萱,帶領的全人中學學生們在課堂裡大家都在寫詩或抄詩,而有了第一屆的夢想中的詩歌節,並且藉著夢想中的詩歌節延伸的之後的全人戲劇節,且在2009臺北藝穗節策劃《大雨喧囂時看見彼此瞳孔的顏色》演出。 今年將持續舉辦,夢想中的詩歌節#2 「你的詩歌節」,此次交由學生統籌,並將場地延伸至台北竹圍工作室,且藉由竹圍工作室豐富的國際交流經驗,希望能在活動期間與國際創意中學(例如:香港兆基創意書院)有所交流。 第一屆 夢想中的詩歌節 相關 由詩歌節延伸的戲劇節(藝穗節演出)
雨森信 Nov Amenomori
CIAN 的主持人川俣正教授(Tadashi Kawamata)是日本橫濱三年展的策展人,對藝術介入空間有深深的理念。他專注研究藝術家與都市發展、城鄉差異的特點。CIAN 的計劃總監山口祥平(Shohei Yamaguchi)推薦雨森信女士(Nov Amenomori)為本工作室藝術介入社區的觀察及試辦有創意的錄影計劃。 身為Breaker Art Project這個藝術介入大阪市公共領域的策展人,雨森信女士專注在了解藝術與社會環境的關連,以及藝術在社會中所扮演的角色。在這次於竹圍工作的駐村計畫中,雨森信主要將她的觀察與研究焦點放在台北各個藝術組織或替代空間,如何透過各項藝術計畫與在地社區的民眾或活動連結。雨森信認為,台灣與日本公共藝術發展情形類似,過去20年來愈來愈多公共藝術計畫以社區藝術活動、藝術介入計畫以及以藝術作為推動都市再造的行動產生。
Mai Dian
Mai Dian was invited by curator Yves Chiu for one month residency at Bamboo Curtain Studio while working with Taiwan artist Kao Jun-Honn. This collaboration was exhibited at the “M.E.L.T.Ing Project – One Year Conversation: Thread, Ghost Story, Escape” at Taipei Contemporary Art Center in May, 2015.
Hung Fei Wu
Independent curator based in Taipei, Taiwan. 2010 Graduated from MA Gallery Studies and Critical Curating, University of Essex (UK).
Fiona Cheng
Fiona Cheng is an art critic/writer based in Taichung and Chittagong. Influenced by the surrounding environments and the context of the places, she develops her critical thinking into writing and living, contributes her text to art magazines or online media. As art critic/artist, she participated in the residency of Ruangrupa ArtLab (Indonesia), Jog Art Space (Bangladesh), and Expression Expedition 2018 (Nepal). She is the founding editor of an art writing website "".
Suzy Sulaiman
Suzy Sulaiman is an educator, researcher and lecturer who has been involved projects focused oncommunity-engagement through education, architecture and digital technology. She was invited to "PROJECT GLOCAL TAIPEI" and resident in Bamboo Curtain Studio.