
Four City Forum Drives Urban Cultural Exchange

January 15, 2013

The City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference brings scholars together annually to report and learn from each other on and off stage.

2012 City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference Taipei Annual Meeting

December 06, 2012

The City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference annually brings together intellectuals, cultural policy makers, frontline cultural workers and scholars concerned with cultural development.

Adam Avikainen

August 15, 2012

Visual Arts | USA Born in 1978 in the USA, Adam Avikainen has traveled extensively and showed his work worldwide. This year, he has been invited by the 2012 Taipei Biennale. To prepare his work, he will be staying at Bamboo Curtain Studio, Taiwan.

Workshop: Culture of antique ceramic beads, Paiwan

August 14, 2012

Let us use every bead that is filled with aesthetics and culture to enjoy a feast of Paiwan culture.

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