Studio News

Wild Bird Federation Director Ho’s introduction to bird watching

April 15, 2013

Organized by Tamkang Community College professor Chen Chien-Chih, the Director of the Taipei Bird Federation was invited to share a report on the birds in Plum Tree Creek on the evening of February 22nd.

Plum Tree Creek and the Wild Bird Federation celebrate spring

April 15, 2013

Wild Bird Federation led a visit to Plum Tree Creek to promote understanding of the local environment. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the diverse ecology and species of birds at Plum Tree Creek.

Artists Mobility: A brief Guide to Art Residencies in Asia

April 14, 2013

In Artist in Residency programs, usually run by institutions like galleries, museums, public cultural organizations or artist communities, artists are selected according to their skills, merits or potential, in order to have a creative experience during a specific period of time.

Artist in Residence Taipei | 2014 OPEN CALL

April 05, 2013

Located along the Xindian River in Taipei City, Treasure Hill Artist Village was listed in 2004 as the first “historical architectural community” by the Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs.

Four City Forum Drives Urban Cultural Exchange

January 15, 2013

The City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference brings scholars together annually to report and learn from each other on and off stage.

Video Screening of the Results from Vivian Wenli Lin’s Workshop

January 15, 2013

Vivian Wenli Lin specially arranged the video screenings, inviting the students from the workshop and their families and friends to participate. Most of the participants will be in attendance to share and exchange their work and experiences. The students that were involved in the filming are all very excited!

A Photography and Video Production Workshop for Foreign Spouses

January 15, 2013

Bamboo Curtain Studio Artist-in-Residence Vivian Wenli Lin holds a photography and video production workshop.

Artist-in-Residence: The Finger Players

January 15, 2013

The Finger Players’ Founder Tan Beng Tian and Artistic Director Ong Kian Sin were greeted with a hectic schedule upon their arrival at Bamboo Curtain Studio in November.

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