Performing Art
金新綠 Shin Rock, Kim
Shin Rock Kim is an actor, physical performer, creator, movement choreographer, workshop leader, and theater educator based in Seoul,Korea. Being selected by Bamboo Curtain Studio “Creative Talents Program”, Shin Rock will stay at Bamboo Curtain Studio for one month since December. The one-month creative residency in December 2016 will culminate in a work in progress presentation. In addition, there will be 3 workshops conducted by the artists in residence.
Yeonjeong Kim
Yeonjeong Kim is interested in various types of human acts with environment, space, nature, and history, and then uses multi-media such as video, performance, installation, photography, sound and text to express the emotions or conflicts. Yeonjeong will stay at Bamboo Curtain Studio for three months since 8th of November, 2016.
Chinnasamy Krishnaswamy
As a yoga practitioner and artist, Krishnaswamy’s works began as an extension of his yoga practice which made him aware of the vastness of the body and its limits. He tried to explore these through a visual medium, performing yoga on canvas, leaving behind imprints of his physical and mental state of mind. Following this body of work called the Kundali Rising he began to explore his own roots, what makes him the person he is and leads to certain physical and mental characteristics.
Terry O' Reilly
Terry O'Reilly will stay in Bamboo Curtain Studio to work with the prototype of the play – “My Sunshine Book” during 2016/01/15 -2016/02/05.
Sun Son Theatre
Sun Son Theatre was founded since 1998 as a unique musical and physical theatre in Taiwan, which explores the fundamental and unlimited strength of the body physical and vocal capacity.
The Finger Players
The Finger Players is one of Singapore’s leading theatre companies, known for its visually and emotionally charged productions, and its signature style of puppetry. The company has won numerous awards such as the President’s Design Award 2007, and multiple Life! Theatre Awards including Best Production of the Year in 2005, 2012 and 2013 respectively.
Ramanjit Kaur
The Company 的創辦人 Neelam Mansingh 是竹圍工作室在印度的合作單位。Neelam女士是旁遮普區(Panjab)的資深表演藝術工作者。她與工作室負責人蕭麗虹同為亞洲藝術網絡ANA (Arts Network Asia) 的評審委員,在美國紐約的洛克菲勒基金會和福特基金會的資助下,提供補助予亞洲各國的藝術交流計劃。Neelam 女士十分重視原住民及在地方言的劇場藝術,因而推薦同樣屬性表演藝術工作者拉曼琦(Ramanjit Kaur)女士前來竹圍工作室駐村與交流。 拉曼琦女士駐村計畫焦點在於了解台北劇場與文化生態以及竹圍工作室所身處的社會文化環境,並尋求與分享未來台印雙方文化交流與合作的想法與計畫。駐村期間,她參訪了淡水踩街嘉年華、華山表演藝術節、西仔反傳說戶外劇場演出等,對於台灣豐富的大型戶外表演藝術活動有深刻的印象與體會。此外,她亦個別拜訪國內以多樣性表演形式聞名的身聲劇場與金枝演社,並與該劇團藝術總監以及團員對談,除了進一步了解劇團的屬性與表演形式之外,更希望藉由此次駐村計畫,對於台印雙方未來的交流合作計畫,研擬出一個具體可行的構想,包含表現形式、演員陣容、故事架構、表達語言、表演場地等要素。
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