Lin Chen-Wei
In 2016, Lin, Chen-wei is elected to be one of the Creative Talents of Bamboo Curtain Studio, and will have his residency for 2 months starting from March 1st.
Huang Pei Wei
Huang Pei Wei is a freelance, graphic designer, marketing consultant and creative events planner. She participates in the production of a wide variety of events and defines herself as a global worker.
Lin Wen-Tsao
Wen-Tsao Lin is the artist recommended by Bamboo Curtain Studio for a one-and-half-month residency at 98B Collaboratory in Philippines.
Chao Shu-Jung
Chao Shu-Jung is the artist recommended by Bamboo Curtain Studio for a two-month residency at The Artists Village (TAV) in Singapore.
Fu Ya-Wen
Fu, Ya-Wen was nominated by Bamboo Curtain Studio in 2015 International Residency Exchange Project. In fall 2015, the Gyeonggi Creation Center awarded her two months residency. Ya-wen was born in Yun-lin, now lives and works in Berlin and Leipzig.
Chen Chia-Jen
Chen Chia-Jen is recommended by Bamboo Curtain Studio for a three months residency at Cemeti Art House.
Tsai Kuen-Lin
Kuen-Lin was nominated by Bamboo Curtain Studio. In fall 2015, the Cleveland foundation awarded him three months residency with Waterloo Art Gallery.