
池田一 Ichi Ikeda

June 15, 2015

對池田一(Ichi Ikeda)先生來說:「藝術品一開始就像是放大鏡一樣,透過特殊的鏡片,可以看到之前從沒有注意過的事情-大地千秋萬代的故事、風景物換星移以及人類與大自然之間的交流等等。」抱著這樣的信念,池田一先生近年來多次來台從事藝術交流,亦一直關注流經日本九州島南端注入東海的兩條河川,並跟幾個當地居民共同合作創作河川公共藝術。多年來亦觀察世界各國主要河流與其鄰近城市的共生狀態,並以行動藝術界入研究,提倡清淨水源的概念。 河流是城市的一道風景,一個符號。它就像一條彩帶,讓城市增添不少的色彩,也可以看到城市在變遷發展中的所受到的創痛及缺口。竹圍工作室在過去這幾年推動環境藝術,發現許多藝術家介入河流整治的國際案例,驚喜於藝術家可以跨越既有的領域藩籬,跨界與科技、與環保、與教育進行合作,以創意為基礎,影響既有架構朝更永續的方向推動。 因此,竹圍工作室特別辦理「與河共舞:藝術作為環境永續發展的策略」國際座談會,引  介日本、香港、美國的案例,藉此促進彼此交流,增加對於生活環境空間的更大想像。


June 15, 2015

五七藝術工作室是一個可凝結「藝術」與「生活」為一體的超異能空間,其主要目的為提供「藝術」給人們有更驚奇的「生活」;除此之外,尚有其更強烈的中心目標…目前五七藝術工作室共有六位會員主持,透過「藝術」其讓彼此的創作有更多的思維,透過「生活」,分享並且讓藝術有更多的情感依賴。 此次駐村計畫,五七工作室提出「時空中,五七在台南你在台北閱讀南部星空下生活」。工作室成員紀錄五七藝術工作室一星期七天的晚間生活以「寫實」的眼光呈現於台北竹圍工作室,透過紀錄方式了解五七如何凝結友情下的「藝術與生活」,同時也可發現五七同時也是一個凝結南台灣藝術氛圍超異能空間。

Hung Fei Wu

May 09, 2015

Independent curator based in Taipei, Taiwan. 2010 Graduated from MA Gallery Studies and Critical Curating, University of Essex (UK).

Chiu Chih Hua

March 23, 2015

Recommended by Bamboo Curtain Studio, Chiu, Chih-hua has been elected to be the residency artist in “Artel 2016” hold by TIFA Working Studios, and will stay in Pune, India for 4 weeks from 14th March.

Chou Chien-Pang

March 08, 2015

Chou attempts to examine the problems that a metropolitan lifestyle lead- heavy load of works, distance in our relationships. Therefore, He used his free time to teach children drawing and share his passion for art. He searches the possibilities in humanity and hopes people will reconnect with each other through art; so the multitude will not suffer from alienation!

Chen Szu Han

February 13, 2015

Chen Szu Han was participated the artist-in-residence at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) New York and Unitec, Auckland in 2009, and later Taipei Artists Village (TAV) Taiwan in 2014. She was elected among resident artist with Bamboo Curtain Studio 2015 International Residency Exchange Project.

Po-Chih Huang

December 17, 2014

Po-Chih Huang selected as resident artist for "Bamboo Curtain Studio 2014 International Residency Exchange Project", and resident in 98B COLLABoratory (Philippines).

Wu Shang-lin

November 10, 2014

Wu Shang-lin (1977 born in Taipei), is an Artist & Independent curator, lives and works currently in Taipei. After graduated from École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Dijon in 2007, in the recent years, he has traveled and worked as an artist-in-residence in Korea (The National Goyang Art Studio), Taiwan (Taipei Artist Village, Taipei) and Japan (Arcus Project, Moriya).

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